Thursday, 23 May 2013

Meanwhile at CERN

The Joke

Two scientists at CERN:

- Bob, look at the data, it's scary! These two particle fields are anti-commuting but they have 0-spin. I am afraid, Bob. I am telling you, there must be ghosts in this lab. Run away!

Picture is taken from and is modified.

Only theoretical physicists can get it right away. Everybody else should go through a standard textbook of quantum field theory and then read the joke again.

However, we will attempt to give a glimpse of theory. According to the spin-statistics theorem, the spin of a particle is related to the statistics it follows. For example, particles with half-integer spin follow the Fermi-Dirac statistics and they are categorised as Fermions. Furthermore, particles with integer spin follow the Bose-Einstein statistics and they are named Bosons.

Now, in quantum field theory, the quantisation of a gauge field through the path-integral formalism requires the exclusion of the all gauge-equivalent contributions to the path integral. This is achieved by the so called Faddeev-Popov trick, introduced by Faddeev and Popov.  This trick gives rise to fictitious fields, which are anti-commuting (i.e. obey Fermi-Dirac statistics) and have 0-spin. 

We emphasize that these fields are fictitious, they do not correspond to real field (particles) and have been introduced as part of a mathematical trick, they can't appear in any observation and carry no physical content or information. This is probably the reason that have been given the provocative name ghosts.

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